[reSIProcate] resip, ares, and IPv6

David Stuart dstuart at counterpath.com
Tue May 10 15:38:19 CDT 2011


I recently found a problem with our version of ares which is used by
resip. I'll try to explain.

I am working on IPv6 testcases. One of my testcases involves switching
off IPv4 stack support and going to IPv6 only configuration.

When I do this, I notice that ares does not recognize any DNS servers
which are configured for IPv6.

After a lengthy debugging session, I traced the fault to a method
"init_by_default" inside of ares_init.c. In that method, the technique
of calling "GetNetworkParams" is used in order to query windows for its
DNS configuration. But, as the following website suggests:


The GetNetworkParams probably does not return IPv6 related configuration
information. Instead, they recommend using GetAdaptersAddresses() instead.

So, I'm wondering if anyone else has found this problem, if there is a
patch that was submitted, or .. if there is just a newer version of ares
somewhere that we need to update to?

Awaiting your advice,
David Stuart, CounterPath
Email: dstuart (at) counterpath (dot) com
Phone: (613) 254-8886 x2234  Web: http://www.counterpath.com/
Address: 310 - 350 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata Ontario, K2K 2P5

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