[reSIProcate] About Helper::aBitSmallerThan and ClientSubscription failing to reSUBSCRIBE

Francis Joanis francis.joanis at gmail.com
Wed May 26 10:28:56 CDT 2010


I'm running into an issue where a client subscription does not end up
sending a reSUBSCRIBE after a while.

I was able to zoom in on ClientSubscription::processNextNotify() where
we calculate the value of the UInt32 expires variable. What happens in
my case is that
qn->notify().header(h_SubscriptionState).param(p_expires) is equal to
5, which means that Helper::aBitSmallerThan returns 0.

Since UInt32 expires is thus set to 0, then the reSUBSCRIBE timer
isn't fired near ClientSubscription.cxx:366.

The comment in Helper::aBitSmallerThan says:

  Used by Registration, Publication and Subscription refreshes, to
  calculate the time at which a refresh should be performed (which
  is some time, that is a bit smaller than the Expiration interval).
  The recommended calculation from the RFC's is the minimnum of the
  Exipiration interval less 5 seconds and nine tenths of the exipiration

In this case, 5 - 5 = 0. Should Helper::aBitSmallerThan(5) really
return 0 or should we interpret UInt32 expires = 0 as "send the
refresh now" rather than "send the refresh in X seconds"?


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