[reSIProcate] The question about invite session end

Dmytro Bogovych subscribe at satorilight.com
Thu May 28 13:42:57 CDT 2009

Hi all.
I have the simple user agent built on DUM.
Well, it works good.
But there is small issue. I test in LAN with pure IP addresses.
I try to create client invite session to existing IP address but 
not-existing port - there is no remote softphone on that port.

Well, I see in log how INVITE packets are sent and no replies received.
After timeout the dialog set is destroyed. Ok.

There is a question  - is there way to end the session before timeout?

When I call end() method on invite session - it marks the 
DialogSet::mState as WaitingToEnd (DialogSet.cxx, line 894).

Is there way to finish the session in one shot?
I use the latest sources from SVN.

Sorry for my poor english.
Thank you :)

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