[reSIProcate] Stun Mapped port for RTP.
Gurpreet Sidhu
gurpreet.sidhu at tcs.com
Thu Mar 12 08:24:09 CDT 2009
Hi everyone
My problem with the STUN is getting complicated.We need the
UdpTransport* object to invoke the stunSendTest function.It takes the
value returned by AddTransport and cast it to this class.Now My question
is how can we use the Stun Mapped Port for the RTP data.Because by using
"udp_p=...AddTransport "
"udp_p=new resip::UdpTransport(fifo ,port,V4,StunEnabled,data);"
It is binding the specific port and there is no way to delete the transport
if i use AddTransport in this case.So we cannot use that port for RTP
data.I have tried it . My application is crashing.I hope this is the
reason .
So how to get the StunMapped Port for sending Audio/Video data.?
Please reply ASAP.
This is my code
resip::UdpTransport* udp_p;
Fifo<TransactionMessage> *obj=new Fifo<TransactionMessage>;
Fifo<TransactionMessage>& fifo=*obj;
Data *dataobj=new Data();
Data& data=*dataobj;
udp_p=new resip::UdpTransport(fifo ,port,V4,StunEnabled,data);
//WE MAY ALSO USE AddTransport here
resip::Tuple mapAddress = Util::GetInstance()->GetStunAddres(udp_p);
Gurpreet Singh Sidhu
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