[reSIProcate] Stun Delay Problem

Matthias Moetje moetje at terasens.com
Tue Mar 10 12:10:36 CDT 2009


you can't speed up the time the STUN test takes, so you need
to send the test a while before you need the result.
So the alternative would be to send a STUN request every n minutes 
(e.g. 3min) through a timer, then you would only need to check 
if there is a valid result. 

Best regards,

Matthias Moetje

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at resiprocate.org [mailto:resiprocate-devel-
> bounces at resiprocate.org] On Behalf Of Gurpreet Sidhu
> Sent: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 15:36
> To: resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Stun Delay Problem
> Hi everyone
>       this is my code for getting stun address
> resip::Tuple Util::GetStunAddres(resip::UdpTransport *udp_p)
> {
>       DebugLog(<<"Crossbow::Entered into GetStunAddress");
>       resip::Tuple mMappedAddress;
>     mMappedAddress.setPort(0);
>       string IpAddress="";
>     if (!udp_p) return mMappedAddress;
>     if (!udp_p->stunResult(mMappedAddress))
>     {
>          // no valid result available, send another request
>          SendStunTest(udp_p);
>     }
>     else if ((GetTickCount() - mLastStunTestTime) > 1000 * 60 * 3)
>     {
>          // don't use a STUN response that is older than 3 minutes
>          SendStunTest(udp_p);
>     }
>     DWORD dwTmpLastStunTestTime = mLastStunTestTime;
>     while ((GetTickCount() - dwTmpLastStunTestTime) < 5 * 1000)
>     {
>              Sleep(12000);
>          if (udp_p->stunResult(mMappedAddress))
>             IpAddress=resip::Tuple::inet_ntop(mMappedAddress).c_str();
>             DebugLog(<<"Crossbow::Stun Mapped Address is "<<IpAddress);
>             break;
>          Sleep(15000);
>       }
>       IpAddress=resip::Tuple::inet_ntop(mMappedAddress).c_str();
>       DebugLog(<<"Crossbow::Stun Mapped Address is "<<IpAddress);
>       return mMappedAddress;
> }
> This code works fine.But if i put first Sleep as Sleep(100) and second
> Sleep as Sleep(200) in While Loop then my Ipaddress string contains
> although request goes to STUN Server . I  want to minimize this delay.
> So What is the most appropriate way to minimize this delay and get a mapped
> address correctly?
> Thanks in Advance
> Gurpreet Singh Sidhu
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