[reSIProcate] Followup on c-ares support

Brad Spencer spencer at starscale.com
Thu Nov 27 18:40:05 CST 2008

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 05:33:08PM -0600, Adam Roach wrote:
> We have put this patch through a reasonable number of paces (thanks, 
> Byron!), so I'm committing it to main. Or course, the default remains 
> using the built-in resip version of ares; activating c-ares can be 
> performed using the configuration system.

This is excellent news!  (BTW, I'm glad someone was able to do some
real testing of the full stack; I'm still at the integration stage
with resiprocate itself.)

> During our testing, we did note that c-ares is substantially faster than 
> the resip version of ares.

Interesting.  How much faster are we talking about?

BTW, the c-ares list is working on covering IPv6-addressed DNS servers
and the socket function feature in a way that should serve
resiprocate's needs as well as the needs of other clients.  When that
happens, I will provide the necessary followup changes to support
these additional features.

Brad Spencer - spencer at starscale.com - www.starscale.com
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