[reSIProcate] Followup on c-ares support

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Wed Nov 26 17:33:08 CST 2008

We have put this patch through a reasonable number of paces (thanks, 
Byron!), so I'm committing it to main. Or course, the default remains 
using the built-in resip version of ares; activating c-ares can be 
performed using the configuration system.

Anyone who gets an "#error Must have ARES or C-ARES" error after this 
merge can fix the issue with a "./configure -y" in the top-level 
directory. (This is part of the pain of adding new configuration options 
-- I'm not happy with the result, but can't see an easy way around it at 
the moment).

During our testing, we did note that c-ares is substantially faster than 
the resip version of ares.


On 11/24/08 8:47 AM, Adam Roach wrote:
> Brad Spencer wrote:
>> The attached patch will allow resiprocate to be configured against the
>> trunk version of c-ares (1.5.3 + patches).  Of course, it still allows
>> resiprocate to be configured to use contrib/ares as well.
> I've checked the resip patch in (with some changes to the config/build 
> integration) under 
> https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/b-abr-cares/
> (For configure script changes, make sure to run the configure script 
> interactively [without -y] and in full-screen mode [with -m] to make 
> sure your changes behave correctly)
> By the way, the buildconf script in c-ares doesn't work under OS X -- 
> for some reason, the 'libtoolize' binary is available only under its 
> alternate name 'glibtoolize'. It would be quite a help if you could 
> commit a change back to fix this problem.
> /a
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