[reSIProcate] RADIUS for reSIProcate/dum

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri May 9 17:53:53 CDT 2008

> Anyway, like I said, I can sympathize with the sentiment that the 
> configure questionnaire is becoming a bit cumbersome. So, just a 
> couple of minutes ago, I checked in changes that add an *experimental* 
> mode of operation to the configure script that is more interactive and 
> (hopefully) a little more intuitive. You can activate this new mode 
> with the '-m' flag:
>  ./configure -m
> Give it a spin and let me know what you think.

That appears to work for me

I've updated configure to prompt for RADIUS support.  Any other 
problems, please let me know.

I don't have a Microsoft environment for compiling/testing, it would be 
great if someone else could check that my code is not causing any 
problem for the Microsoft users.  It might also be necessary to add 
necessary files in the B2BUA directory.



daniel at th4:~/ws/resiprocate-latest$ svn commit -m "Make RADIUS code optional"
Sending        configure
Sending        resip/dum/RADIUSServerAuthManager.cxx
Sending        resip/dum/RADIUSServerAuthManager.hxx
Sending        rutil/RADIUSDigestAuthenticator.cxx
Sending        rutil/RADIUSDigestAuthenticator.hxx
Transmitting file data .....
Committed revision 7734.


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