[reSIProcate] B2BUA added

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Tue May 6 12:48:19 CDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I've decided to open up my original B2BUA implementation.

95% of the work is done in libb2bua.so - this is now in the repository.  
It can be built like so:

make b2bua

I realise the code is not consistent with reSIProcate's code formatting 
practices and there are things that are not yet implemented.  However, 
the code compiles and executes successfully, so I made a decision to 
commit it as-is, and incrementally fix these issues later.  Recognising 
that people may not be happy with this compromise, I have left it out of 
the `make all' target, it has to be built with `make b2bua'

The next step: I will be releasing a sample B2BUA built around the 
libb2bua library.  This should be available fairly soon.  Feedback is 




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