[reSIProcate] removing hash<T*> from HashMap

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Apr 23 16:00:36 CDT 2008

	Jason, can you weigh in on this? (It is your code, albeit from a  
long time ago)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> On 23-Apr-08, at 13:43 , Byron Campen wrote:
>> 	Is anyone using this?
> I cannot speak to this, but I've often wondered about the default  
> template implementation and after searching around and concluding  
> that nothing within resiprocate was using it, ignored it. The code  
> falls into the 'dangerous' category if you ask me since it is not  
> only surprising that something would compile, as Bruce points out,  
> the results are incorrect from time to time.
> I am strongly in favor of removing it if there is no impact to the  
> stack and DUM / repro clients.
> Thanks
> A

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