[reSIProcate] possible memory leak in resip

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Apr 14 09:06:49 CDT 2008

	Looks like the stack was destroyed without allowing things to become  
quiescent. There might be a couple other one-time type leaks though,  
I can look them over later.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hello,
> I've noticed there's a slow but steady increase in memory  
> consumption in our application when using the resiprocate stack.  
> I've used GlowCode on Windows to try and detect where the memory  
> leaks originate and the results hint that the stack might be  
> partially responsible. I'm far from certain that this is the case  
> and it might very well be some false positives, but as this tool  
> helped us detect a memory leak in the previous version of  
> resiprocate (which was fixed before we had a chance to report it),  
> perhaps it is worth looking into.
> The attached file contains the set of locations detected as leaks,  
> with the relevant stack trace for each location.
> -Amnon
> <leaks.zip>_______________________________________________
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