[reSIProcate] Maybe there have a bug with 1.3 RC1

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Sat Mar 29 22:08:31 CDT 2008

On 29-Mar-08, at 20:05 , Karlsson wrote:

> Hi Alan, I'm sure, I use SVN to got all 1.3.0 source code to a new  
> directory: reSIProcate13. The older reSIProcate in another  
> directory: resiprocate122.
> I have complied the 1.3.0 RC1 completely, and My application linked  
> these new header files and LIBs, I complied all reSIProcate module  
> as MTd and MT .
> ...

I apologize if you have indicated this previously, but what platform  
are you using, along with specific compiler and runtime library  
details? (Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS) and what compiler, variant of  
OS, etc...



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