[reSIProcate] (DNS lookup) How to use specified NIC interface for outgoing request in dual nic machine?
Jason Fischl
jason at counterpath.com
Wed Mar 26 17:28:21 CDT 2008
As Byron says, the approach here is to populate the topmost via with a
specific ip address for the interface you want to use. If you don't specify,
it will let the kernel choose.
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
> This is a tricky problem to solve, since there is no way (that I know of)
> to tell ::socket "Only use this set of IP addresses". About the only way to
> really solve it is to specify the ip you want the traffic to be sent on in
> the topmost Via of requests that you send (ie, set request.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost()="<your
> ip address>"). If you wish to restrict the stack from _receiving_ things on
> the other interface, you can pass your desired ip-address when you call
> SipStack::addTransport() (5th param).
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> Hi,
> My server has dual NIC. Both nic interfaces are in same subnet. In other
> words, when the sipstack does dns look up for a destination, it can get
> either of NIC for transport interface. So, when my server sends sip
> messages to wire, sip traffic appears in both NIC.
> I want SIP message only appear from one particular NIC. (because the
> other NIC will only for admin or other purpose).
> Is it possible to achieve this without changing sip stack code? If not,
> how?
> Thanks,
> Roland
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