[reSIProcate] (DNS lookup) How to use specified NIC interface for outgoing request in dual nic machine?
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Mar 26 17:24:37 CDT 2008
This is a tricky problem to solve, since there is no way (that I
know of) to tell ::socket "Only use this set of IP addresses". About
the only way to really solve it is to specify the ip you want the
traffic to be sent on in the topmost Via of requests that you send
(ie, set request.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost()="<your ip
address>"). If you wish to restrict the stack from _receiving_ things
on the other interface, you can pass your desired ip-address when you
call SipStack::addTransport() (5th param).
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> Hi,
> My server has dual NIC. Both nic interfaces are in same subnet.
> In other words, when the sipstack does dns look up for a
> destination, it can get either of NIC for transport interface. So,
> when my server sends sip messages to wire, sip traffic appears in
> both NIC.
> I want SIP message only appear from one particular NIC. (because
> the other NIC will only for admin or other purpose).
> Is it possible to achieve this without changing sip stack code?
> If not, how?
> Thanks,
> Roland
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