[reSIProcate] STUN Error

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Mar 19 10:24:29 CDT 2008

	It took some digging, but I think I've gotten to the bottom of this.  
Your app is cratering when TransactionState attempts to send the  
failure ACK. Your decorator acted on the original INVITE, setting the  
host and port in the topmost Via. This Via is re-used in the ACK/ 
failure, causing TransportSelector::determineSourceInterface() to  
choose a port; something that the assert was not expecting. I'll fix  

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> By the way, if make the call without STUN, then all are ok.
> 2008/1/13, Karlsson <boost.regex at gmail.com>:
> Hi all, I try to implement the STUN, but now I got a matter.
> As I read the WIKI, I wrote some code for my UA, now the UA can be  
> used the STUN to register to server,
> but when I make a call, I got a assert error:
> TransportSelector::transmit, line 587
>                assert((source.getPort()==temp.getPort() ||
>                        temp.getPort()==0) &&
>                         source.ipVersion()==temp.ipVersion() &&
>                         source.getType()==temp.getType());
> The attachment is SIP message log and there are my source code,  
> please help me to solve this problem.
> Thanks
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> bool UserAgent::addUDPPort(int port, bool enableSTUN)
> {
>  bool state = true;
>  try
>  {
>   mUDPTransport = (resip::UdpTransport*)mStack.addTransport(UDP,  
> port, V4, StunEnabled);
>  }
>  catch(const Transport::Exception& e)
>  {
>   state = false;
>  }
>  return state;
> }
> void UserAgent::sendStunTest()
> {
>  if (!mUDPTransport)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  hostent* h = gethostbyname(mStunServer.c_str());
>  if (!h)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  in_addr sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*)h->h_addr;
>  resip::Tuple tStunDest(sin_addr, 3478, UDP, Data::Empty);
>  mUDPTransport->stunSendTest(tStunDest);
>  mLastStunTestTime = GetTickCount();
> }
> resip::Tuple UserAgent::getStunAddress()
> {
>  resip::Tuple mappedAddress;
>  mappedAddress.setPort(0);
>  if (!mUDPTransport)
>  {
>   return mappedAddress;
>  }
>  if (!mUDPTransport->stunResult(mappedAddress))
>  {
>   // no valid result available, send another request
>   sendStunTest();
>  }
>  else if ((GetTickCount() - mLastStunTestTime) > 1000 * 60 * 3)
>  {
>   // don't use a STUN response that is older than 3 minutes
>   sendStunTest();
>  }
>  DWORD tmpLastStunTestTime = mLastStunTestTime;
>  while ((GetTickCount() - tmpLastStunTestTime) < 5 * 1000) // wait  
> 5s for result
>  {
>   if (mUDPTransport->stunResult(mappedAddress))
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>   Sleep(200);
>  }
>  mLastStunTestTime = 0;
>  return mappedAddress;
> }
> void UserAgent::stunTest(const Data & stunServer, int stunPort)
> {
>  mStunServer = stunServer;
>  mStunPort = stunPort;
>  if (stunServer.empty() == true)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  string ip;
>  int port;
>  Utility utility;
>  string emptyIP = "";
>  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
>  {
>   Tuple mapAddress = getStunAddress();
>   ip = Tuple::inet_ntop(mapAddress).c_str();
>   port = mapAddress.getPort();
>   if (utility.compareStringNoCase(ip, emptyIP) != 0)
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>  }
>  if (utility.compareStringNoCase(ip, emptyIP) == 0)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  Data newUri = "sip:";
>  newUri += ip.c_str();
>  newUri += ":";
>  Data temPort(port);
>  newUri += temPort;
>  Uri stunUri(newUri);
>  mMasterProfile->setOverrideHostAndPort(stunUri);
>  StunMessageDecorator * stunMessageDec = new StunMessageDecorator;
>  stunMessageDec->setStunResult(ip, port);
>  SharedPtr<MessageDecorator> messageDec((MessageDecorator *) 
> stunMessageDec);
>  mMasterProfile->setOutboundDecorator(messageDec);
> }
> void StunMessageDecorator::decorateMessage(SipMessage &msg, const  
> Tuple &source, const Tuple &destination)
> {
>  if (mStunPort!=0 && mStunIP.empty()==false)
>  {
>  Utility utility;
>   ParserContainer<Via>::iterator viaIter = msg.header(h_Vias).begin();
>   for (; viaIter!=msg.header(h_Vias).end(); ++viaIter)
>   {
>    string srcIP = Tuple::inet_ntop(source).c_str();
>    string viaIP = msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost().c_str();
>    if (utility.compareStringNoCase(srcIP, viaIP) == 0)
>    {
>     msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentPort() = mStunPort;
>     msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost() = mStunIP.c_str();
>    }
>   }
>  }
> }
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