[reSIProcate] STUN Error

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 04:12:08 CST 2008

By the way, if make the call without STUN, then all are ok.

2008/1/13, Karlsson <boost.regex at gmail.com>:
> Hi all, I try to implement the STUN, but now I got a matter.
> As I read the WIKI, I wrote some code for my UA, now the UA can be used
> the STUN to register to server,
> but when I make a call, I got a assert error:
> TransportSelector::transmit, line 587
>                assert((source.getPort()==temp.getPort() ||
>                        temp.getPort()==0) &&
>                         source.ipVersion()==temp.ipVersion() &&
>                         source.getType()==temp.getType());
> The attachment is SIP message log and there are my source code, please
> help me to solve this problem.
> Thanks
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> bool UserAgent::addUDPPort(int port, bool enableSTUN)
> {
>  bool state = true;
>  try
>  {
>   mUDPTransport = (resip::UdpTransport*)mStack.addTransport(UDP, port, V4,
> StunEnabled);
>  }
>  catch(const Transport::Exception& e)
>  {
>   state = false;
>  }
>  return state;
> }
> void UserAgent::sendStunTest()
> {
>  if (!mUDPTransport)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  hostent* h = gethostbyname(mStunServer.c_str());
>  if (!h)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  in_addr sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*)h->h_addr;
>  resip::Tuple tStunDest(sin_addr, 3478, UDP, Data::Empty);
>  mUDPTransport->stunSendTest(tStunDest);
>  mLastStunTestTime = GetTickCount();
> }
> resip::Tuple UserAgent::getStunAddress()
> {
>  resip::Tuple mappedAddress;
>  mappedAddress.setPort(0);
>  if (!mUDPTransport)
>  {
>   return mappedAddress;
>  }
>  if (!mUDPTransport->stunResult(mappedAddress))
>  {
>   // no valid result available, send another request
>   sendStunTest();
>  }
>  else if ((GetTickCount() - mLastStunTestTime) > 1000 * 60 * 3)
>  {
>   // don't use a STUN response that is older than 3 minutes
>   sendStunTest();
>  }
>  DWORD tmpLastStunTestTime = mLastStunTestTime;
>  while ((GetTickCount() - tmpLastStunTestTime) < 5 * 1000) // wait 5s for
> result
>  {
>   if (mUDPTransport->stunResult(mappedAddress))
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>   Sleep(200);
>  }
>  mLastStunTestTime = 0;
>  return mappedAddress;
> }
> void UserAgent::stunTest(const Data & stunServer, int stunPort)
> {
>  mStunServer = stunServer;
>  mStunPort = stunPort;
>  if (stunServer.empty() == true)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  string ip;
>  int port;
>  Utility utility;
>  string emptyIP = "";
>  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
>  {
>   Tuple mapAddress = getStunAddress();
>   ip = Tuple::inet_ntop(mapAddress).c_str();
>   port = mapAddress.getPort();
>   if (utility.compareStringNoCase(ip, emptyIP) != 0)
>   {
>    break;
>   }
>  }
>  if (utility.compareStringNoCase(ip, emptyIP) == 0)
>  {
>   return;
>  }
>  Data newUri = "sip:";
>  newUri += ip.c_str();
>  newUri += ":";
>  Data temPort(port);
>  newUri += temPort;
>  Uri stunUri(newUri);
>  mMasterProfile->setOverrideHostAndPort(stunUri);
>  StunMessageDecorator * stunMessageDec = new StunMessageDecorator;
>  stunMessageDec->setStunResult(ip, port);
>  SharedPtr<MessageDecorator> messageDec((MessageDecorator
> *)stunMessageDec);
>  mMasterProfile->setOutboundDecorator(messageDec);
> }
> void StunMessageDecorator::decorateMessage(SipMessage &msg, const Tuple
> &source, const Tuple &destination)
> {
>  if (mStunPort!=0 && mStunIP.empty()==false)
>  {
>  Utility utility;
>   ParserContainer<Via>::iterator viaIter = msg.header(h_Vias).begin();
>   for (; viaIter!=msg.header(h_Vias).end(); ++viaIter)
>   {
>    string srcIP = Tuple::inet_ntop(source).c_str();
>    string viaIP = msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost().c_str();
>    if (utility.compareStringNoCase(srcIP, viaIP) == 0)
>    {
>     msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentPort() = mStunPort;
>     msg.header(h_Vias).front().sentHost() = mStunIP.c_str();
>    }
>   }
>  }
> }
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