[reSIProcate] Setting specific profile on incoming INVITE dialog handle

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Tue Mar 11 12:36:11 CDT 2008

	You can set the UserProfile in server InviteSessions (or any other  
server usage for that matter) by using  
AppDialogSet::selectUASUserProfile(). (See http://www.resiprocate.org/ 
DUM_Associating_Application_Data_with_DialogSets_and_Dialogs and  

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi!
> We are using reSIProcate 1.2 on an IPBX to implement the SIP  
> trunking, and are having a problem in the following case: A SIP  
> trunk subscriber receives an incoming call from the network; the  
> call is answered; then the SIP trunk subscriber hangs up the call.  
> A "BYE" is sent out to the SIP trunk proxy, which replies with "407  
> Proxy Authentication Required". However, the "BYE" is not resent  
> with "Proxy-Authorization" header, causing the call to remain  
> active in the network proxy side.
> The problem is due to the fact that the incoming call's invite  
> session handle is created with the default master profile (not  
> containing any specific SIP trunk authentication info) instead of  
> the specific SIP trunk/user profile containing the relevant  
> authentication info.
> A possible fix would be to add a new setUserProfile method in some  
> class(es) that allows the application to set the correct trunk/user  
> profile to the dialog handle for incoming INVITE sessions. Is such  
> method already existing in some class(es) that i'm not aware of? Or  
> are there any other more suitable ways to solve this problem?
> --Shaofeng
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