[reSIProcate] Setting specific profile on incoming INVITE dialog handle

Shaofeng Li shaofeng_li at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 10 08:09:39 CDT 2008

  We are using reSIProcate 1.2 on an IPBX to implement the SIP trunking, and are having a problem in the following case: A SIP trunk subscriber receives an incoming call from the network; the call is answered; then the SIP trunk subscriber hangs up the call. A "BYE" is sent out to the SIP trunk proxy, which replies with "407 Proxy Authentication Required". However, the "BYE" is not resent with "Proxy-Authorization" header, causing the call to remain active in the network proxy side.
  The problem is due to the fact that the incoming call's invite session handle is created with the default master profile (not containing any specific SIP trunk authentication info) instead of the specific SIP trunk/user profile containing the relevant authentication info.
  A possible fix would be to add a new setUserProfile method in some class(es) that allows the application to set the correct trunk/user profile to the dialog handle for incoming INVITE sessions. Is such method already existing in some class(es) that i'm not aware of? Or are there any other more suitable ways to solve this problem?

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