[reSIProcate] Removing Transport

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Dec 8 08:37:16 CST 2006

	Currently there is no way to remove transports after they have been  

	Allowing for the removal of a transport could end up being very  
tricky. There are lots and lots of Transport* (mostly in Tuple)  
floating around, and deleting a Transport will almost certainly  
invalidate lots of them. If we were to "shut down" transports  
(without actually deleting them), this would be safer, but we could  
end up with state-bloat after repeated re-configuration. Removing all  
of these pointers and replacing them with some sort of handle could  
work, but a lot of code would have to be touched.

	Mind you, this is still something I eventually intend to do, but I  
have a lot on my plate to finish first.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi All,
> I was looking for a way to remove an added transport at the  
> application.
> Actually, I want to be able to either remove or update a transport  
> within
> the application, so that I do not have to close it down.
> It seems some api like removeTransport( ) was there in DUM till 0.9.0.
> (I am working at 1.0 now) which is not there in new versions. And  
> as per
> my understanding goes, the transport is finally removed from the map
> at TUSelector when SipStack destructor is called during shutdown.
> Please throw some light, if there is any other way that I can  
> remove/update
> transport or will I have to close down SIP Stack and DUM each time  
> to do it.
> Thanks,
> Nilay
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