[reSIProcate] Removing Transport

Nilay Tripathi nilay.linux at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 22:23:44 CST 2006

Hi All,

I was looking for a way to remove an added transport at the application.
Actually, I want to be able to either remove or update a transport within
the application, so that I do not have to close it down.

It seems some api like removeTransport( ) was there in DUM till 0.9.0.
(I am working at 1.0 now) which is not there in new versions. And as per
my understanding goes, the transport is finally removed from the map
at TUSelector when SipStack destructor is called during shutdown.

Please throw some light, if there is any other way that I can remove/update
transport or will I have to close down SIP Stack and DUM each time to do it.

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