[reSIProcate] Releases and SVN Revisions

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Thu Nov 30 12:04:48 CST 2006

On 2006.11.30, at 08:51 , Julio Cesar Esteves Cabezas wrote:

> Hi,
>             How can I find correlation information of the Release  
> numbers of reSIProcate (ex:  v1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2) with the SVN  
> Revision numbers (ex: 6744, 6843, etc.) ?
>             I think is important and I can´t find it out.

You can always use the log command to dig and see the structure...

$ svn log --verbose --stop-on-copy https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/ 
r6819 | bcampen | 2006-11-20 09:00:08 -0800 (Mon, 20 Nov 2006) | 1 line
Changed paths:
    A /tags/resiprocate-1.0.2 (from /branches/resiprocate-1.0:6818)

Tag for resiprocate 1.0.2 release.

The shows that Byron made the tag from the 1.0 release branch at  
revision 6819.

Make sure you understand the changes in meaning of revision numbers  
in the SVN world view. The entire repository is versioned, not just a  
branch or file.

Best wishes,

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