[reSIProcate] Simple proxy
Dmytro Bogovych
subscribe at satorilight.com
Wed Nov 29 09:22:33 CST 2006
Byron Campen wrote:
> What revision are you working with? (the line numbers on the logging
> statements don't match what's on head, or in the release branch)
well, I tried with the latest SVN code.
The same result:
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.562 | AstaPBX | RESIP | 3400 | sipstack.cxx:283
| SEND: SipReq: INVITE 600 at
tid=-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543- cseq=INVITE
contact=user at / 1 from(wire)
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1088 |
timerqueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer B
tid=-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543- ms=32000
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:276 | Looking up dns entries for
sip:600 at
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:DNS | 1088 |
dnsresult.cxx:184 | DnsResult::lookup sip:600 at
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:DNS | 1088 |
dnsresult.cxx:318 | Numeric result so return immediately: [ V4 UDP target domain= connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1088 |
timerqueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer A
tid=-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543- ms=500
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:383 | hint provided by app: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543-;rport=5074
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1046 | findTransportBySource([ V4
UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ])
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1061 | search: [ V4 UDP target
domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ] elem: [ V4 UDP target
domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1164 | Exact interface / Specific port: [[ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ] -> 00F57AF8]
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1165 | Any interface / Specific port: []
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1166 | Exact interface / Any port: [[ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ] -> 00F57AF8]
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1167 | Any interface / Any port: []
WARNING | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:1169 | Can't find matching transport [ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]
INFO | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1088 |
transportselector.cxx:875 | tid=-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543-
failed to find a transport to [ V4 UDP target
domain= connectionId=0 ]
INFO | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1088 |
transactionstate.cxx:1430 | Try sending request to a different dns result
INFO | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1088 |
transactionstate.cxx:1389 | Ran out of dns entries for Send 503
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.593 | AstaPBX | RESIP | 1088 | helper.cxx:302 |
Helper::makeResponse(SipReq: INVITE 600 at
tid=-d87543-4719c9174d266050-1--d87543- cseq=INVITE
contact=user at / 1 from(tu) code=503 reason=
WARNING | 20061129-172012.609 | AstaPBX | RESIP:DNS | 1088 |
dnsutil.cxx:137 | local hostname does not contain a domain part
DEBUG | 20061129-172012.609 | AstaPBX | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1088 |
transactionstate.cxx:1759 | Send to default TU:
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