[reSIProcate] Many DUM -> one SipStack... Does it actually work??

Kovar, William (Bill) bkovar at avaya.com
Mon Aug 7 14:27:52 CDT 2006

Although I was told several months ago that this should work, I am
seeing problems with the same SipStack associated with 2 different UAs. 
The Registration of each UA seems to get routed correctly, i.e. the
OnSuccess() for the Register for a specific UA is being delivered to the
correct UA.
However, when an INVITE is sent to a particular URI, it goes to the
first UA that was associated with the SipStack. 
Any thoughts?? It seems the transaction layer is tied to IP:PORT somehow
which could be a cause of this problem...
Bill Kovar
Avaya Inc.
(732) 852-2609
bkovar at avaya.com
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