[reSIProcate] Re: Compiling on Windows, Visual Studio alternatives

Diego Susa dsusa at cestel.es
Wed May 24 09:21:19 CDT 2006

I am compiling reSIProcate on WinXP Pro.
I couldn't use MSVisualStudio so I tried
MinGW+MSYS, as Shen Jinti suggested.

I compiled "resiprocate", "resipdum" and "ares" Libraries succesfuly. 
Then I compiled, linked and ran 2 of the simplest DUM tests (basicCall
and basicMessage), so I think I've completed my first reSIProcate 

Here are the few tweaks I had to make:

1) In $(RESIPROCATE_HOME)/resiprocate/os/Timer.cxx at line 213
   I changed the unsigned 64 bits integer constant suffix for the WIN32 branch.
   Instead of "ui64", I used "ULL".

2) In $(RESIPROCATE_HOME)/resiprocate/TransportSelector.cxx at line 317
   I commented out the invocation to the gai_strerror() function.
   This function is declared but not implemented in MinGW's win32api.
   It was only used to provide a meaningful trace, so I could live without it.

3) In the generated $(RESIPROCATE_HOME)/resiprocate/test/Makefile 
   I deleted the following tests:
	- testRSP-2.cxx
	- tesTransactionFSM.cxx
	- testTCP
   All of them showed compiler errors that I weren't able to fix, 
   so I had no choice but to disable them. 
   In the same Makefile I replaced the line:
   LIBS = -lares -lpthread
   with the following one:
   LIBS = ../../contrib/ares/libares.a \
          -lws2_32 -lmswsock -lwsock32 -lnetapi32 -liphlpapi
   Which has these changes:
   - It doesn't use pthreads library which I think is not available in MinGW
   - It uses ares library as static, instead of dynamic lib
   - It includes the win32api libraries that ships with MinGW package.

4) The final step, is the one at resiprocate's INSTALL documentation,
in my case, at the MSYS console I wrote:
	$ configure --enable-ssl=no
	$ make

I hope this helps if someone wish to polish MinGW's support in sipfoundry.
I there's any further question regarding this "experiment", do not hesitate to contact me on: dsusa-at-cestel-dot-es
Cheers !

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