[reSIProcate] problem with In-Dialog SUBSCRIBE(Re-posting )

basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com
Mon Apr 3 22:17:48 CDT 2006

Hi Jason

  Sorry Jason, I have not mentioned that part in my question.
  I have installed the handler for the event and also I have added 
  SUBSCRIBE and  NOTIFY for the supported method list also. I have also
  defined corresponding methods for handler also.


-----Original Message-----
From: jason.fischl at gmail.com [mailto:jason.fischl at gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Fischl
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:46 AM
To: Hong Yu
Cc: Basavaraj Puttagangaiah (WT01 - Product Engineering Solutions);
resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] problem with In-Dialog SUBSCRIBE(Re-posting )

I'm pretty sure this means that you have not installed a handler for
the type of event that you SUBSCRIBEd to. You need to install a
handler for all events that you request.


On 4/3/06, Hong Yu <hyu at metreos.com> wrote:
> SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY supported is not complete in the stack. I"ve been
modifying the stack to get it work for me. Once I'm satisfied with my
modification, I will post the change back to repository.
> Hong
>   ________________________________

> From: basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com
[mailto:basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com]
>  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:05 PM
>  To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>  Subject: [reSIProcate] problem with In-Dialog SUBSCRIBE(Re-posting )
> Hi All
>  I am reposting my old question...any help will be appreciated
> I am using SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY support provided by resiprocate.
> It works fine for fresh subscriptions which will create new Dialog.
> In this case if SUBSCRIBE is sent with an Event-package which is not
> existing it clearly sends "489 Event Package Not Supported".
> But if Dialog already exists and SUBSCRIBE is sent within the Dialog
> assertion fails in ServerSubscription.cxx as follows.
> ServerSubscription.cxx:198:
> virtual void   resip::ServerSubscription::dispatch(const
> resip::SipMessage&): Assertion `handler' failed.
> Checking for supported Event Package is not made.
> Why is the check not there like how it is for Out-of-Dialog SUBSCRIBE?
> why assertion is provided instead of that?
> Thank you
> +Basu
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