[reSIProcate] Why limit only one ENUM DNS Server????

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Wed Mar 22 10:25:02 CST 2006

Hi Frank,

I won't have time to help you out in that kind of detail in the short
term. Most of the changes should be local to DnsResult.cxx. It has
been many months since I added the initial enum support in. Does
anybody else with understanding of the dns code have some time to help
Frank out?


On 3/22/06, FrankYuan <frankyuan at emergent-netsolutions.com> wrote:
>  Could you explain what should be added and files involved?
>  Thanks
> F Yuan
>  Jason Fischl wrote:
>  The interface is set up to handle it but there is some medium amount
> of effort to actually make this work. Do you have time to add it in?
> Jason
> On 3/22/06, FrankYuan <frankyuan at emergent-netsolutions.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi,
> SipStack::setEnumSuffixes(const std::vector<Data>& suffixes) means that
> DNS Stub can handle more than one ENUM DNS servers since it is a vector
> data type.
> When I put two ENUM DNS servers, it always core dump because there is an
> assert to force the size to be one or less. What's the reason? Can we
> support more than one ENUM DNS?
> Currently there are two popular ENUM DNS servers: e164.org and e164.arpa.
> Here is the code to set the limit:
> void
> DnsResult::lookup(const Uri& uri, const std::vector<Data> &enumSuffixes)
> {
>  DebugLog (<< "DnsResult::lookup " << uri);
>  //int type = this->mType;
>  if (!enumSuffixes.empty() && uri.isEnumSearchable())
>  {
>  mInputUri = uri;
>  mDoingEnum = true;
>  std::vector<Data> enums = uri.getEnumLookups(enumSuffixes);
>  assert(enums.size() <= 1);
> ..........................................................................................................
> --
> Thanks
> F Yuan
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