[reSIProcate] How to get SDP...
John Draper
lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Mar 15 03:06:06 CST 2006
Snehil wrote:
>Hi All,
> I am trying to integrate WinRTP in reSIProcate. I call the WinRTP functions
>in TestInviteSessionHandler::onAnswer() in BasicCall.cxx. In the WinRTP
>function, i passed hardcoded ip, codec etc. info. But i want to extract
>these information from SDP. Can any one tell me how can i get these
>information from SDP.
Is that the same as RTC? I hear RTC sits on top of RTP on Windows OS.
Or is WinRTP a totally different API?
We are using RTC on the Windows side and Resip/jrtplib on the Mac side.
I'm doing the Mac side, but have to be compatible with RTC. Not even
sure if that is possible. Any comments?
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