[reSIProcate] newbie question about REGISTER

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Mar 8 09:14:28 CST 2006

	Looks like your TUs might be forgetting to put a new Via on the  
forwarded request. The stack sees a message coming down from the TU  
with a Via on it, and tries to send the message out on the port/ 
protocol mentioned in that Via (so when the response comes back, it  
goes to the correct port on this element). Unfortunately, this was  
the soft-phone's port/protocol, and not of the SIP element you're  

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> All,
> I have also seen this same problem when using SIPP for local  
> testing.  For some reason, the reciprocate stack can not find a  
> matching transport for the message and returns a 503 response.  In  
> addition, even if the client is running on a different machine, it  
> must also be running, sourced from port 5060, otherwise I also get  
> the 503 response.  It looks like it is using the Via source host  
> and port to determine an appropriprate transport.  Is this to spec?
> Here is the stack trace:
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.685 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onUser.cxx:64 | Match!
> STACK | 20060308-084739.686 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:47 | Creating new TransactionState: tid=6172221000  
> [ ServerNonInvite/Trying reliable target=[
>  V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified  
> connectionId=0 ]]
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.686 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:1575 | Send to TU: TU: SipDirector size=0 REGISTER sip: 
> SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6172221000
> Max-Forwards: 70
> Contact: <sip:6172221000 at>
> To: sut <sip:6172221000 at>
> From: 6172221000 <sip:6172221000 at>
> Call-ID: 1-1097 at
> Expires: 3600
> User-Agent: SIPP
> Content-Length: 0
> STACK | 20060308-084739.711 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:196 | No matching transaction for SipReq:  REGISTER  
> tid=6172221000 cseq=RE
> GISTER contact=6172221000 at / 1 from(tu)
> STACK | 20060308-084739.711 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:47 | Creating new TransactionState: tid=6172221000  
> [ ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable target=[
>  V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified  
> connectionId=0 ]]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.712 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:438 | TransactionState::processClientNonInvite:  
> SipReq:  REGISTER tid=6172
> 221000 cseq=REGISTER contact=6172221000 at / 1 from 
> (tu)
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | TimerQueu
> e.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer F tid=6172221000 ms=32000
> STACK | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:1507 | sendToWire with no dns result: tid=6172221000  
> [ ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable target
> =[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified  
> connectionId=0 ]]
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS |  
> 10735 | 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:183
>  | DnsResult::lookup sip:
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.714 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS |  
> 10735 | 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:317
>  | Numeric result so return immediately: [ V4  
> UDP target domain= connecti
> onId=0 ]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.714 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:1341 | tid=6172221000 [ ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable  
> RT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]] got DNS result:  
> --> [[ V4
>  UDP target domain= connectionId=0 ]]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.715 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS |  
> 10735 | 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:140
>  | Returning next dns entry: [ V4 UDP target  
> domain= connectionId=0 ]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.715 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:1384 | Unreliable transport: tid=6172221000  
> [ ClientNonInvite/Trying unreliable target=[ V4 0
> .0.0.0:0 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]]
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.716 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | TimerQueu
> e.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer E1 tid=6172221000 ms=500
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.716 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:352 | hint provided by app: SIP/2.0/UDP  
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:740 | findTransport([ V4 UDP target  
> domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ])
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:788 | Exact interface / Specific port: []
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:789 | Any interface / Specific port: [[ V4  
> UDP target domain=unspecified connecti
> onId=0 ] -> 0x9749940, [ V4 TCP target  
> domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ] -> 0x9749c98]
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.718 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:790 | Exact interface / Any port: []
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.718 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe
> lector.cxx:791 | Any interface / Any port: [[ V4 UDP  
> target domain=unspecified connectionId=
> 0 ] -> 0x9749940, [ V4 TCP target domain=unspecified  
> connectionId=0 ] -> 0x9749c98]
> WARNING | 20060308-084739.719 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transport
> Selector.cxx:793 | Can't find matching transport [ V4  
> UDP target domain=unspecified co
> nnectionId=0 ]
> INFO | 20060308-084739.719 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSPORT | 10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSel
> ector.cxx:663 | tid=6172221000 failed to find a transport to [ V4  
> UDP target domain=19
> connectionId=0 ]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.720 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:161 | Found matching transaction for TransportFailure:  
> 6172221000 -> tid=6172221000 [ ClientN
> onInvite/Trying unreliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT  
> target domain=unspecified connectionId
> =0 ]]
> STACK | 20060308-084739.720 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:438 | TransactionState::processClientNonInvite:  
> TransportFailure: 6172221000
> INFO | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transactio
> nState.cxx:1274 | Try sending request to a different dns result
> STACK | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS |  
> 10735 | 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:396
>  | Priming []
> INFO | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transactio
> nState.cxx:1254 | Ran out of dns entries for Send 503
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.722 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP |  
> 10735 | 3065875376 | Helper.cxx:296 | Help
> er::makeResponse(SipReq:  REGISTER  
> tid=6172221000 cseq=REGISTER contact=6172221000 at 192
> .168.10.70:5075 / 1 from(tu) code=503 reason=
> DEBUG | 20060308-084739.722 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector |  
> RESIP:TRANSACTION | 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti
> onState.cxx:1575 | Send to TU: TU: SipDirector size=0 SIP/2.0 503  
> Service Unavailable
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6172221000
> To: "sut"<sip:6172221000 at>;tag=c9f91735
> From: 6172221000 <sip:6172221000 at>
> Call-ID: 1-1097 at
> Warning: 499 mbaj-dev.bridgeport-networks.com "No other DNS entries  
> to try"
> Content-Length: 0
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org  
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of  
> Hagai Sela (TA)
> Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 5:44 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] newbie question about REGISTER
> Hi,
> I am using reciprocate to develop a softphone, and I have a  
> registration related problem.
> The register message’s path is softphone->outbound proxy->server.  
> When the softphone and the outbound proxy are running in different  
> computers everything works fine and I get a 200 OK for the register  
> request, but when they are running on the same computer I get a 503  
> response, and the register message doesn’t arrive to the outbound  
> proxy.
> Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Hagai Sela
> IP Telephony System Architect
> <image001.jpg>
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> c  972.54.3033882
> hagai at liveperson.com
> Nasdaq: LPSN
> Emblaze Building, 22 Zarhin Street, PO Box 2067, Industrial Area,  
> Ra’anana, 43100, Israel     www.liveperson.com
> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged  
> information. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive  
> this on behalf of the addressee you must not use, copy, disclose or  
> take action based on this message or any information herein. If you  
> have received this message in error, please advise the sender  
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