[reSIProcate] newbie question about REGISTER

Michael Baj mbaj at bridgeport-networks.com
Wed Mar 8 07:51:43 CST 2006



I have also seen this same problem when using SIPP for local testing.
For some reason, the reciprocate stack can not find a matching transport
for the message and returns a 503 response.  In addition, even if the
client is running on a different machine, it must also be running,
sourced from port 5060, otherwise I also get the 503 response.  It looks
like it is using the Via source host and port to determine an
appropriprate transport.  Is this to spec?


Here is the stack trace:


DEBUG | 20060308-084739.685 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onUser.cxx:64 | Match!

STACK | 20060308-084739.686 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:47 | Creating new TransactionState: tid=6172221000 [
ServerNonInvite/Trying reliable target=[

 V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.686 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:1575 | Send to TU: TU: SipDirector size=0 REGISTER
sip: SIP/2.0

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6172221000

Max-Forwards: 70

Contact: <sip:6172221000 at>

To: sut <sip:6172221000 at>

From: 6172221000 <sip:6172221000 at>

Call-ID: 1-1097 at


Expires: 3600

User-Agent: SIPP

Content-Length: 0



STACK | 20060308-084739.711 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:196 | No matching transaction for SipReq:  REGISTER tid=6172221000 cseq=RE

GISTER contact=6172221000 at / 1 from(tu)

STACK | 20060308-084739.711 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:47 | Creating new TransactionState: tid=6172221000 [
ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable target=[

 V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0

STACK | 20060308-084739.712 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:438 | TransactionState::processClientNonInvite: SipReq:
REGISTER tid=6172

221000 cseq=REGISTER contact=6172221000 at / 1 from(tu)

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | TimerQueu

e.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer F tid=6172221000 ms=32000

STACK | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:1507 | sendToWire with no dns result: tid=6172221000 [
ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable target

=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified
connectionId=0 ]]

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.713 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS | 10735
| 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:183

 | DnsResult::lookup sip:

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.714 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS | 10735
| 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:317

 | Numeric result so return immediately: [ V4 UDP
target domain= connecti

onId=0 ]

STACK | 20060308-084739.714 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:1341 | tid=6172221000 [ ClientNonInvite/Trying reliable

RT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]] got DNS result: --> [[ V4

 UDP target domain= connectionId=0 ]]

STACK | 20060308-084739.715 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS | 10735
| 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:140

 | Returning next dns entry: [ V4 UDP target
domain= connectionId=0 ]

STACK | 20060308-084739.715 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:1384 | Unreliable transport: tid=6172221000 [
ClientNonInvite/Trying unreliable target=[ V4 0

.0.0.0:0 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]]

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.716 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | TimerQueu

e.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer E1 tid=6172221000 ms=500

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.716 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:352 | hint provided by app: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6172221000

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:740 | findTransport([ V4 UDP target
domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ])

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:788 | Exact interface / Specific port: []

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.717 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:789 | Any interface / Specific port: [[ V4 UDP
target domain=unspecified connecti

onId=0 ] -> 0x9749940, [ V4 TCP target domain=unspecified
connectionId=0 ] -> 0x9749c98]

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.718 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:790 | Exact interface / Any port: []

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.718 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSe

lector.cxx:791 | Any interface / Any port: [[ V4 UDP target
domain=unspecified connectionId=

0 ] -> 0x9749940, [ V4 TCP target domain=unspecified
connectionId=0 ] -> 0x9749c98]

WARNING | 20060308-084739.719 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transport

Selector.cxx:793 | Can't find matching transport [ V4
UDP target domain=unspecified co

nnectionId=0 ]

INFO | 20060308-084739.719 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSPORT |
10735 | 3065875376 | TransportSel

ector.cxx:663 | tid=6172221000 failed to find a transport to [ V4 UDP target domain=19 connectionId=0 ]

STACK | 20060308-084739.720 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:161 | Found matching transaction for TransportFailure:
6172221000 -> tid=6172221000 [ ClientN

onInvite/Trying unreliable target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT
target domain=unspecified connectionId

=0 ]]

STACK | 20060308-084739.720 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:438 | TransactionState::processClientNonInvite:
TransportFailure: 6172221000

INFO | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transactio

nState.cxx:1274 | Try sending request to a different dns result

STACK | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:DNS | 10735
| 3065875376 | DnsResult.cxx:396

 | Priming []

INFO | 20060308-084739.721 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transactio

nState.cxx:1254 | Ran out of dns entries for Send 503

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.722 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP | 10735 |
3065875376 | Helper.cxx:296 | Help

er::makeResponse(SipReq:  REGISTER tid=6172221000
cseq=REGISTER contact=6172221000 at 192

.168.10.70:5075 / 1 from(tu) code=503 reason=

DEBUG | 20060308-084739.722 | mbaj-dev | sipdirector | RESIP:TRANSACTION
| 10735 | 3065875376 | Transacti

onState.cxx:1575 | Send to TU: TU: SipDirector size=0 SIP/2.0 503
Service Unavailable

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6172221000

To: "sut"<sip:6172221000 at>;tag=c9f91735

From: 6172221000 <sip:6172221000 at>

Call-ID: 1-1097 at


Warning: 499 mbaj-dev.bridgeport-networks.com "No other DNS entries to

Content-Length: 0



From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
Hagai Sela (TA)
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 5:44 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] newbie question about REGISTER



I am using reciprocate to develop a softphone, and I have a registration
related problem. 

The register message's path is softphone->outbound proxy->server. When
the softphone and the outbound proxy are running in different computers
everything works fine and I get a 200 OK for the register request, but
when they are running on the same computer I get a 503 response, and the
register message doesn't arrive to the outbound proxy.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to fix this?



Hagai Sela

IP Telephony System Architect


t  011.972.9.7457901

f  011.972.9.7457895

c  972.54.3033882

hagai at liveperson.com <mailto:email at liveperson.com> 

Nasdaq: LPSN


Emblaze Building, 22 Zarhin Street, PO Box 2067, Industrial Area,
Ra'anana, 43100, Israel     www.liveperson.com




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