[reSIProcate] B2B developing

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Tue Mar 7 12:44:20 CST 2006

lucas martinez wrote:

>First at all thanks for answer Daniel, im just trying right now to introduce
>myself into reSIProcate world and developing a B2B i think that is a nice
>start. If i get a strong B2B may be it could be a comercial product ;), but
>i havent planed.
>Daniel if you can help me with some documentation, examples i will really
>apreciate it, because rigth now is hard to read only from the code.
I've been contemplating releasing some of my code as open source, with 
comments in the code to help people learn.  Is there any one else on 
this list who would like to see this, or who has already found another 
open source B2BUA example based on reSIProcate?

A B2BUA is not necessarily as easy as it sounds, although you can do 
it.  DUM does save you a lot of work.  The easiest thing to start with 
might be a simple UA, it wouldn't be hard to put together a chat 
application or something using the MESSAGE method (which DUM supports), 
and then gradually add in stuff like presence (although the presence 
stuff is not needed just for sending and receiving the messages).  For 
messaging, there is no SDP/RTP to worry about either, and you can 
interoperate with products like KPhone and eyeBeam that support IM.

>Thanks in advance
>On 3/7/06, Daniel Pocock <daniel at readytechnology.co.uk> wrote:
>>lucas martinez wrote:
>>>Hello all, im new and trying to know as much asi can the resiprocate/dum
>>>stack. The reason that im posting this message is to ask someone where or
>>>what should i look firts or have in mind to desing a B2BUA. I have read
>>>wiki about DUM but may be someone here could hel pe to go on faster at
>>Hi Lucas,
>>I've just built a B2BUA with reSIProcate, it took me a couple of weeks
>>to get it working smoothly and handling RTP, but it does work.
>>Unfortunately, you need to figure a lot of things out just by looking at
>>the code.
>>Is your application for a commercial project?
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