[reSIProcate] B2B developing

lucas martinez martlucas at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 09:44:03 CST 2006

First at all thanks for answer Daniel, im just trying right now to introduce
myself into reSIProcate world and developing a B2B i think that is a nice
start. If i get a strong B2B may be it could be a comercial product ;), but
i havent planed.

Daniel if you can help me with some documentation, examples i will really
apreciate it, because rigth now is hard to read only from the code.

Thanks in advance

On 3/7/06, Daniel Pocock <daniel at readytechnology.co.uk> wrote:
> lucas martinez wrote:
> >Hello all, im new and trying to know as much asi can the resiprocate/dum
> >stack. The reason that im posting this message is to ask someone where or
> >what should i look firts or have in mind to desing a B2BUA. I have read
> the
> >wiki about DUM but may be someone here could hel pe to go on faster at
> the
> >begining.
> >
> >Thanks.Lucas.
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Lucas,
> I've just built a B2BUA with reSIProcate, it took me a couple of weeks
> to get it working smoothly and handling RTP, but it does work.
> Unfortunately, you need to figure a lot of things out just by looking at
> the code.
> Is your application for a commercial project?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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