[reSIProcate] Merge of b-bwc-ProcessorReorg into main.
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Feb 10 15:04:22 CST 2006
I am about to merge the changes I have been working on in branches/b-
bwc-ProcessorReorg, in preparation for the repro coding party in
Boston. There are a few modifications to the resip code base that I
am summarizing here.
In resip/dum, ContactPair (in RegistrationPersistenceManager) has
been changed from a std::pair<Uri,time_t> to a struct ContactRecord
containing a contact Uri, a expiry time_t, and a float q-value (and a
bool denoting whether to use the q-value in processing decisions).
This is to allow the use of q-value. By extension, ContactPairList
has been changed to ContactRecordList. These changes necessitated
changes in the following files:
M resip/dum/InMemoryRegistrationDatabase.cxx
M resip/dum/RegistrationPersistenceManager.hxx
M resip/dum/InMemoryRegistrationDatabase.hxx
M resip/dum/ServerRegistration.cxx
M resip/dum/ServerRegistration.hxx
The interfaces for creating contacts are backwards compatible by
making the float argument for q-value optional.
tfm/repro/TestRepro.cxx has been modified to launch with a baboon
chain in place (Target ProcessorChain)
M tfm/repro/TestRepro.cxx
All the other modifications are found within repro/ , and have been
described in repro-devel previously.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
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