[reSIProcate] Added new make check target & scripts to run tests

Bob Bramwell bob at jasomi.com
Tue Jan 10 15:09:24 CST 2006

Thank your for doing this!  It gives everyone a much clearer idea of what tests 
are presumed to be valid and up-to-date.  However, let me point out that your 
script calls "die" any time a test exits with a failure status, which makes 
redundant the code that reports other failures and tallies up the failure count.

While I'm at it, since I don't have modify permission on any of this stuff, 
there is a problem in testConnectionBase.  If the minChunkSize gets set to 0 the 
read function will assert because it believes there is nothing to read.  The fix 
is left as an exercise for the reader :-)


Derek MacDonald wrote:
> Chris  & I added a runtest.sh script to resip/stack/test and rutil/test
> which runs all known good tests and checks the exit code of each to see if
> the test passed.  The output of each test is written to <testname>.log. 
> I added a makefile target, check, to main/Makefile which will run both these
> scripts.  The script itself returns a non-zero exit code if any of the tests
> fail, so make check will fail if a any test fails.
> Not all tests are in the scripts; we need to clean up or remove existing
> tests and add them.  Please add new tests to the scripts when you write
> them.  I haven't tried yet, but the scripts should run under cygwin or
> another bash shell installed on windows(make check won't work).  
> So, in summary, running "make check "before checking in highly encouraged,
> and it provides an easy way to run test on the stack after checkout.
> --Derek
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Bob Bramwell            Ditech Communications (Canada) | This space
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