[reSIProcate] Added new make check target & scripts to run tests

Derek MacDonald derek at counterpath.com
Thu Jan 5 16:53:15 CST 2006

Chris  & I added a runtest.sh script to resip/stack/test and rutil/test
which runs all known good tests and checks the exit code of each to see if
the test passed.  The output of each test is written to <testname>.log. 


I added a makefile target, check, to main/Makefile which will run both these
scripts.  The script itself returns a non-zero exit code if any of the tests
fail, so make check will fail if a any test fails.


Not all tests are in the scripts; we need to clean up or remove existing
tests and add them.  Please add new tests to the scripts when you write
them.  I haven't tried yet, but the scripts should run under cygwin or
another bash shell installed on windows(make check won't work).  


So, in summary, running "make check "before checking in highly encouraged,
and it provides an easy way to run test on the stack after checkout.



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