[reSIProcate] makeRegistration question

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Thu Dec 1 20:43:52 CST 2005

On 2005.12.01, at 08:41 , Steve Robichaud wrote:

> Take a look at basicCall.cxx or basicRegister.cxx samples in main/ 
> resip/dum/test.  You should be able to trace the code from there.   
> They don't use multiple NameAddr contacts but you have a chance  
> after the message is created, and before it is sent, to add more  
> Contact headers.  Or you could wait to get the  
> ClientRegistrationHandle and just use the addBinding() method to  
> add more contacts.

Also note that the lower layers of the stack (in the Transaction /  
TransportSelector) will fill in the appropriate values for the  
topmost via and the host portion of the contact headers depending on  
the destination, route (IP) and interface chosen to send the message.  
The recommended behavior is to set the username portion of the  
contact (and the helper function MAY be doing this for you) and then  
let the stack fill in the host-portion of the contact address you  

Hope this helps,


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