[reSIProcate] Sending INVITE over TCP
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Oct 21 12:30:27 CDT 2005
I believe the issue is that you are setting the transport aram on the
NameAddr and not the actual URI.
Try: des.uri().param(p_transport) = SIP_TRANSPORT;
From: Mehul Jain [mailto:Mehul at ingenio.com]
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 1:09 PM
To: Scott Godin; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Sending INVITE over TCP
Hi Scott,
The trace at STACK level is in the enclosed file "TCP_INVITE_Log".
The section of the code is :
const char *SIP_TRANSPORT = "tcp";
SipStack* g_sipStack;
g_sipStack = new SipStack();
g_sipStack->addTransport(TCP, g_sipPort);
g_sipStack->addTransport(UDP, g_sipPort);
NameAddr dest;
dest.uri().scheme() = "sip";
dest.uri().user() = pData->dnis;
dest.uri().host() = pData->toHost;
dest.uri().port() = pData->toPort;
dest.param(p_transport) = SIP_TRANSPORT;
NameAddr contact;
contact.uri().scheme() = "sip";
contact.uri().user() = pData->ani;
contact.uri().host() = g_IPAddress;
contact.uri().port() = g_sipPort;
contact.param(p_transport) = SIP_TRANSPORT;
NameAddr from = dest;
from.uri().port() = g_sipPort;
from.uri().user() = pData->ani;
from.uri().host() = g_IPAddress;
from.param(p_transport) = SIP_TRANSPORT;
SharedPtr<SipMessage> message(Helper::makeInvite( dest, from,
From: Scott Godin [mailto:slgodin at icescape.com]
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 6:01 AM
To: Mehul Jain; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Sending INVITE over TCP
This should work. Can you provide a code sample and a trace at STACK
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of
Mehul Jain
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:02 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Sending INVITE over TCP
I am trying to use the resiprocate stack to send INVITE's over TCP.
The transport type is determined on the basis of the value set in the
Request-URI. The default transport is scheme dependent. For sip:, it is
UDP. For sips:, it is TCP. Im using sip, so need to explicitly set
transport=TCP in the request-uri.
The steps Ive followed are :
a. Add TCP transport to the stack.
g_sipStack->addTransport(TCP, g_sipPort);
b. Use TCP as the transport type in the required headers (To, From,
c. I ve used Helper::makeInvite to build the INVITE.
Helper::makeInvite( dest, from, contact)
The stack still tries to send the message via UDP.
* Helper::MakeInvite uses Helper::MakeRequest in which the
RequestLine is determined using the target.uri.
* When I send the message, the TransportSelector calls
"mDns.lookup(result, msg->header(h_RequestLine).uri());" that further
calls "DnsResult::lookup" which returns UDP since the condition "if
(uri.exists(p_transport))" in that member function evaluates to false
and it therefore uses the default type of UDP.
I can send the sample code as well. Any pointers as to what Im missing.
The log output is as follows :
DEBUG | 20051020-143206.511 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
ConnectionBase.cxx:29 | ConnectionBase::ConnectionBase, no params:
DEBUG | 20051020-143206.527 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
InternalTransport.cxx:85 | Creating fd=3804 V4/TCP
DEBUG | 20051020-143206.527 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
InternalTransport.cxx:93 | Binding to
INFO | 20051020-143206.543 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
TcpTransport.cxx:27 | Creating TCP transport host= port=5060 ipv4=1
INFO | 20051020-143206.558 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
UdpTransport.cxx:30 | Creating UDP transport host= port=5060 ipv4=1
DEBUG | 20051020-143206.558 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
InternalTransport.cxx:85 | Creating fd=3784 V4/UDP
DEBUG | 20051020-143206.558 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
InternalTransport.cxx:93 | Binding to
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.496 | UAC | RESIP | 4468 | SipStack.cxx:267 |
SEND: SipReq: INVITE 8665722037 at
<mailto:8665722037 at> tid=fb36831df16a5517 cseq=INVITE
contact=0 at <mailto:contact=0 at> / 1
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.511 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 6124 |
TimerQueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer B tid=fb36831df16a5517 ms=32000
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.511 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
TransportSelector.cxx:243 | Looking up dns entries for
sip:8665722037 at
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.511 | UAC | RESIP:DNS | 6124 | DnsResult.cxx:183
| DnsResult::lookup sip:8665722037 at
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.511 | UAC | RESIP:DNS | 6124 | DnsResult.cxx:291
| Numeric result so return immediately: [ V4 UDP
connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.527 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 6124 |
TimerQueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer A tid=fb36831df16a5517 ms=500
DEBUG | 20051020-143217.527 | UAC | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 6124 |
TransportSelector.cxx:479 | Looked up source for destination: [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] -> [ V4 UDP
connectionId=0 ] sent-by= sent-port=5060
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