[reSIProcate] Some questions about dum

Matthias Moetje moetje at terasens.de
Tue Oct 4 11:39:26 CDT 2005


thanks very much for these answers, things are a bit
more clear now!

> [Scott] - Ideally just one stack and one dum.  But it will be 
> difficult to
> force dum to use a particular transport for outbound requests 
> - if this is a
> requirement for you.  You can preload the Via header, but I'm 
> not certain
> that this will be possible for responses without doing a bit 
> of work. 

OK, what about the overrideHostAndPort setting. Will this do
what I want? Apparently it can't mean the host and port to 
listen on.

When I add several transports with different IP addresses,
will I know on which IP address and port a message was
received or should I better use several DUM objects instead?

Another question: Is it correct that all dum functions will 
return "immediately" without doing any actual sending?
Should I create a thread then, that calls the dum->process()
method to perform actual processing? 

If this approach is correct approach, does dum implement 
any critical sections or mutexes to avoid a call to a 
function like dum->send(...) while the thread is executing
the dum->process() function?

> For another example of a dum-based application take a look at:
> http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/sipX/main/bbridge/src
> There is documentation in the header files.
> Jason

Jason, I thought sipX would be a completely different 
stack (which is not even tested on Windows)?

Thanks very much for your help!
Best regards,


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