[reSIProcate] Some questions about dum
Jason Fischl
jason at counterpath.com
Tue Oct 4 10:06:17 CDT 2005
For another example of a dum-based application take a look at:
There is documentation in the header files.
On 10/4/05, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
> Answers inline...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Matthias
> Moetje
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:04 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Some questions about dum
> Hello all,
> I'm currently trying to understand dum which is
> unfortunately not too easy since documentation
> is scarce. Would you please be so kind to shed
> some light onto the following questions?
> 1. It may be necessary that our application will
> act on several Network adapters, IP Addresses
> and ports with different settings.
> How many dum objects should I create?
> One per adapter, per IP address/port or per
> setting/profile?
> [Scott] - Ideally just one stack and one dum. But it will be difficult to
> force dum to use a particular transport for outbound requests - if this is a
> requirement for you. You can preload the Via header, but I'm not certain
> that this will be possible for responses without doing a bit of work. You
> can have multiple profiles per DUM (check out the wiki on this one).
> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=DUM_Configuration_and_
> Profiles
> 2. The basicCall sample application creates a
> server and a client dum. Is this just to
> simulate a call within a single application
> calling itself or is this server and client
> dum required for any application that will
> send and receive calls/messages (like according
> to SIP specification where every full featured
> UA is usually both a client and a server)?
> [Scott] - Yes both UAC and UAS functionality is required for any UA - but
> you would only use one stack/dum instance to implement this.
> 3. In our application we have lines and call objects.
> Is it correct that there is a 1-1 relationship
> between a call and an AppDialogSet?
> [Scott] - Yes - for invite sessions. Note: AppDialogSets are also created
> and used for registrations, subscriptions, etc.
> 4. What is the benefit of inheriting a call object
> from AppDialogSet, if we don't receive the events
> (like "OnConnected") on this object?
> [Scott] - It lets you associate your application specific data to a
> DialogSet. See next answer for more info.
> 5. Is it correct that I need to derive an object
> from InviteSessionHandler to receive the events
> but I need to map these events manually to my call
> objects through the handles like InviteSessionHandle?
> Will these handles be constant during a call or an
> AppDialogSet?
> [Scott] - You can access your AppDialogSet inherited class from the
> InviteSessionHandle. See the wiki for more info:
> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=DUM_Associating_Applic
> ation_Data_with_DialogSets_and_Dialogs
> Thanks very much for any hints and clarification!
> Best regards,
> Matthias
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