[reSIProcate] Exchanging INFO messages with DUM

Alan Stokes alan at alanstokes.org.uk
Thu Sep 15 10:12:23 CDT 2005

On 9/7/05, Jason Fischl <jason at sipedge.com> wrote:
> On 9/7/05, Alan Stokes <alan at alanstokes.org.uk> wrote:
> > However, how can I send a response message to an INFO? I can see
> > InviteSession::acceptInfo (and rejectInfo), but they only parameter they
> > accept is a status code. I'd like to be able to send a response to an 
> > with more information in the message (specifically I'd like to attach a 
> body
> > to the message). Is there any way I can do that?
> >
> I believe you use DialogUsageManager::setOutgoingMessageInterceptor to
> do this. Basically this installs a "Feature" to run on any message
> before it gets sent. You can do whatever you want here. Can somebody
> else provide more details on how this works - possibly an example.

I don't think setOutgoingMessageInterceptor does the job for me. It's not 
called on any message with a transaction ID (see 
DialogUsageManager::outgoingProcess, around line 770) - which means I don't 
really see any messages at all. Is that intentional?
I'm having a look at using the OutgoingFeatureList, but it's a bit hard to 
make that do what I want (and a bit hard to get my head round anyway). It's 
geared up to do per-session things, but I want per-message processing, and 
only for some messages. For instance it would be difficult for me to know 
when to return ChainDone, and if I don't then I think there's a leak. (I 
can't see any code that empties out the mOutgoingFeatureChainMap for a 
Transaction ID when the transaction ends.)

The easiest option from my point of view would be to add a new function to 
InviteSession that calls
mLastNitResponse.setContents(setNITRessponseContents?). Or should the
OutgoingMessageInterceptor work

- Alan
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