[reSIProcate] Exchanging INFO messages with DUM

Alan Stokes alan at alanstokes.org.uk
Thu Sep 8 12:03:22 CDT 2005

On 9/7/05, Jason Fischl <jason at sipedge.com> wrote:
> I believe you use DialogUsageManager::setOutgoingMessageInterceptor to
> do this. Basically this installs a "Feature" to run on any message
> before it gets sent. You can do whatever you want here. Can somebody
> else provide more details on how this works - possibly an example.

That's only in the tip version, not in 0.9.0, AFAICT. Which may be a good 
indication that that's what I should be using.

Of course if I'm rolling a variant of InviteSession anyway I could modify 
the way the functions work there. But if the generic mechanism will do the 
job I should try to use it.

- Alan
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