[reSIProcate] ServerAuthManager/UserAuthInfo (and a few otherthings)

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Sep 13 09:11:08 CDT 2005

> I think it would make a lot more sense to abstract the authentication
> framework a little, to support different types of authentication
> without having to completly override the base class, or for that
> the
> authentication stuff in Helper:: which doesn't quiet seem the correct
> place
> to have it.. perhaps a AuthMethod base class, and an inherited
> AuthMethodDigest or such class?
> I'm quiet happy to do the coding, but i need to know what people
> want/think
> about it :-)

[Scott] I agree with what you are saying, and I think you are going down
the right path.  I've joined in the stack team a little late in the
game.  Ie.  I haven't really been deeply involved in most of the base
design to this point.  I would suggest posting a detailed design to the
group.  Improvements are always welcome. : )

> Sorry, no - resip stack.  again in ServerAuthManager - it's sending
> Proxy-Authenticate header - but it's a sip stack - not a proxy, so
> be
> sending either of them, depending on the situation.  how it gets to
> out
> what the right thing is what i'm askign for a hint on :-)

[Scott]  Ah - I see what you're saying.  I agree there should be a
mechanism for the ServerAuthManager to know whether to return a 401 or
407 and which auth headers to read.  I would suggest a method on the
ServerAuthManager like:  setProxyMode(bool enable) - likely defaulted to
true for backwards compatibility.  Do you want to take a stab at this
and I can commit for you?


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