[reSIProcate] How to deal with more than one session in a dum?

常铮 changzheng at emails.bjut.edu.cn
Tue Sep 13 06:44:43 CDT 2005

Hi all
I want to deal with more than one session in a DUM, 
For example, in terminal A, there are two INVITE from B and C at the same time, how to choice one to answer?
For another example, also in terminal A, there are two connection with B and C, how to choice one to hungup?
I know there is a function in DUM, 
InviteSessionHandle findInviteSession(DialogId id);
but I donot know how to use it.

In addition, I have use                  
  auto_ptr<AppDialogSetFactory> uac_dsf(new testAppDialogSetFactory);
in Initialize( ).

Thank you!

Beijing , China

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