[reSIProcate] I think someone needs to know this...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Mon Aug 22 23:20:14 CDT 2005


When I click on ANY of the links that are supposed to lead to the diagram
(which I never knew existed for the reasons given below)

An Exception Has Occurred

main/sip/resiprocate/doc/ResipArchitecture.pdf: unknown location

HTTP Response Status

404 Not Found

Python Traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/viewcvs/viewcvs-install/lib/viewcvs.py", line 2487, in main
  File "/home/viewcvs/viewcvs-install/lib/viewcvs.py", line 294, in 
    % self.where, '404 Not Found')
ViewCVSException: 404 Not Found: 
main/sip/resiprocate/doc/ResipArchitecture.pdf: unknown location

Why isn't this file in the release?  I looked, and it's not in MY 
release.... Wouldn't it be
a good idea to put this in the release?  I hope someone gets around to 
fixing this soon,
I have until Wed to get this working,  and this diagram is going to help 
me make it


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