[reSIProcate] Where is "poptGetContext()" defined at?

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Mon Aug 22 22:41:27 CDT 2005

On 22-Aug-05, at 20:00 , John Draper wrote:

> Where is "poptGetContext()" defined at?   After trying many times  
> to do a global
> search,  I could NOT find this function anywhere in "resiprocate"  
> folder or within
> ANY subfolder....   I think it might be missing in my release....
> it don't appear to be in any of the "resiprocate" sub folders or  
> even in the main
> root directory of the release.....   Is this in some external  
> library somewhere?
> If so,  which one?
> John



A library for parsing command line options.

If you don't have libpopt (which you can get from the fink) then you  
can just define the appropriate switch to disable it. The test  
drivers become much easier to compile and run without libpopt too.


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