[reSIProcate] Where is "Resolver" implemented?

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Thu Aug 4 03:56:15 CDT 2005

On Aug 3, 2005, at 08:28, John Draper wrote:

> Why do they setup the build process to add the .o and .ol
> files in with the .cxx and .hxx files?   Has anyone ever
> thought of the ramifications of this?

Most people build their source in a separate subdirectory, with a  
tarball build:

tar zxvf resiprocate-0.9.0-XXXX.tgz
cd resiprocate
mkdir compile
cd compile
../configure (options)

In this case, all the object files will be in resiprocate/compile and  
NOT in your source dir.

The older build system uses architecture based names for temporary /  
build files.


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