[reSIProcate] KeepAliveManager usage

Sandro Bordacchini sandro at sis.it
Mon Aug 1 11:08:00 CDT 2005

Hi all.

I'm currently developing a SIP application with dum.
I'd like to add a keep alive check on active UAs.

Where can I find some hints on KeepAliveManager usage?
I suppose it had to be initialized with setDialogUsageManager and 
"started"/"stopped" (on a single UA) with 'add' and 'remove' methods.
But how (and when) the 'process' method has to be called?
What type of messages/exceptions does it throws when a UA becomes 

Thanks a lot.

Ing. Sandro Bordacchini
SIS s.r.l.
Via Cottolengo, 21
56100 Pisa (Italy)

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