[reSIProcate] New header implementaion

Fischl jason jason.fischl at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 02:01:54 CDT 2005

Have a look at this: 


On 7/19/05, Viduraj sur <vidurajsur2 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Scott, 
> Thanks for reply, I appriciate, you give time to write a mail. 
> I made changes in HeaderHash.gperf, means added entry for New-Header like
> others. 
> As you written I have already done "make" because I am using linux OS. 
>  HeaderaHash.cxx is changned when I have done make and put line number of
> each header. 
> my added header entry is also comes like this 
> #line 76 "HeaderHash.gperf" 
> {"new-heade", Headers::New-Header}, 
> Now do I need to add or modify HeaderaHash.cxx some where else externally ? 
> OR I need to do some modification in some other files also? 
> I have run testParserCategories.cxx test case also, all hash is proper
> working for new header also. 
> You are saying I need to edit new generated HeaderaHash.cxx  file, Could
> please tell me what exactly I need to add, if I am adding New-Header of
> NameAddr type? 
> Please let me know If I need to do extra thing? 
> Your help would save my time, this will be great help from your side. 
> Thanks, 
> Vid
> Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote: 
> Did you use gperf to build a new HeaderHash.cxx?  If you are using *nix and
> make files, this should be automatic, but if you are using windows then you
> will need download a win32 version of gperf and do this step manually. 
> There are also some edits you need to do to the generated HeaderaHash.cxx to
> make a case insensitive hash – check out the make scripts, or compare your
> newly generated file to the existing one to see what they are. 
>  ________________________________
> From: Viduraj sur [mailto:vidurajsur2 at yahoo.co.in] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:26 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Cc: resiprocate-devel-request at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] New header implementaion 
> Hi All, 
> Did any body add any new header except "77" allready implemented headers in
> HeaderTypes.hxx? 
> Actually i am adding header with type "NameAddr" header in resiprocate stack
> I have been changed files according to the steps given by wiki page 
> http://warsaw.sjc.purplecomm.com/wiki/index.php?title=Adding_a_new_header
> Code is compiling properly & i have run the test code of
> testParserCategories.cxx, this is also working properly. 
> and tried to encode & decode through test code also, its working fine. 
> BUT... I am getting assertion error very early when I am trying to send
> INVITE message from test tool with addred header. 
> ERROR is : 
> INFO | 20050719-031432.233 | RHEL4 | repro | REPRO:APP | 9243 | 3075247024 |
> Proxy.cxx:57 | Proxy::thread start
> repro: os/Tuple.cxx:237: void resip::Tuple::setPort(int): Assertion `0'
> failed.
> Aborted 
> I Have figureout that, this stack is not allowing addition or deletion of
> any headers, like this is fixed with 77 header only. I have tried with 76
> headers( comented 1 header in required 6 files), still same error is
> comming. 
> but I deleted 1 header & added my new header, then code is working fine
> means total headers should have only 77, not more or less than this number
> of headers 
> do I need to change any thing except following files? 
> HeaderHash.gperf 
> Headers.cxx 
> Headers.hxx 
> HeaderTypes.hxx 
> SipMessage.cxx 
> SipMessage.hxx 
> Please guide me, That will be great help from your side. 
> Regards, 
> vid 
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