[reSIProcate] Regarding Presence Server implementation in resiprocate

Ashutosh P - SPAN ashutosh_p at spanservices.com
Tue Jul 5 05:25:34 CDT 2005


I am new in this group and I am interested in the Presence Server stuff
in the resiprocate stack.
So anybody who has some understanding of the presence server code in the
stack can please help me out in understanding ,exactly what is implemented
in the
presence server code.
Also I found 4 methods being implemented, viz: REGISTER, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE,
Also after an untar of the stack I found a directory named presSvr inside
which there also
another directory presSvr , both having same files and almost same code with
a little diff in
some files.So which is the correct code to look for and start with the
presence server.

Thanks & Regards,
    Ashutosh Pattanaik.
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