[reSIProcate] more on Building problem on Mac

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Thu Jun 30 09:23:52 CDT 2005

On Jun 29, 2005, at 21.58, John Draper wrote:

> Hi again,
> Ok,  this time I tried to build it on 10,3...  it seemed to build  
> OK,  but when I try
> and run it,  I get:  Run session cancelled: no launchable  
> executable present to run
> Sheesh - what is going on?
> Does this mean there isn't a runnable SIP phone?   Whats up with  
> this?  Is
> there a target I can choose to build a very simple plain venilla  
> SIP phone?

Hi John;

A few answers to your questions:

a) The new reSIProcate 0.9.0 tarball is about to be release, we  
expect tomorrow.
b) The 0.4 tarball is VERY old and quite buggy, it is not recommended.
c) If you want to play before the release of the tarball, follow the  
Subversion (svn)
    download instructions at http://www.resiprocate.org/
d) XCode integration is not officially supported right now, but might  
be really soon.
    You need to build the library from the terminal with:

     ./configure && make

e) reSIProcate is a SIP stack.  It is software for people writing SIP  
    like a SIP phone. There is presently no SIP voice-phone in  
reSIProcate. That
    would be a separate project.

f) At present, there is code in the reSIProcate community (and  
project to do the
    following things:
         o instant messaging (limpc -- mostly a testbed for advanced  
crypto and identity work)
         o a SIP proxy, called repro
         o a Dialog Usage Manager (DUM) for building higher level SIP  
applications (like a phone).

g) There is as least one commercial SIP phone build on  
reSIProcate ... they may choose to disclose
    this fact, or not, at their own discretion.

Let me know if you have any additional questions,


Alan Hawrylyshen

Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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