[reSIProcate] !Exception in DUM handling bogus ACK

Justin Matthews justin.matthews at ivr.com
Thu Jun 30 08:13:39 CDT 2005


I believe that the following scenario is causing the DUM to raise a fatal
exception.  A log file is attached that also shows this scenario (may be
easier to decipher than my description).

To start this scenario a BYE is received for a Dialog and the proper 200OK
is sent to the UAC.  The processing then continues as follows:

[2588] [DialogUsageManager. 840] [Got: DestroyUsage INVITE:

(call destroy() which calls delete)

[2588] [InviteSession.  51] [^^^ InviteSession::~InviteSession

(At this point in ~InviteSession() mDialog.mInviteSession is set to 0)
(In ~DialogUsage()
    call mDialog.possiblyDie()
        call mDum.Destroy(this)

[ 944] [DEBUG] [Transport. 210] [incoming from:

(At this point there is a context switch to another thread)
(an ACK is received and sent to the TU)

[2588] [DialogUsageManager. 840] [Got: DestroyDialog
(switching back to the DUM thread, delete the dialog from the BYE)
(call destroy(), which calls delete)

[2588] [Dialog. 211] [Dialog::~Dialog() ]
(call mDialogSet->possiblyDie()
  call mDum->post(DestroyUsage(dialogset))

[2588] [DialogUsageManager.1222] [DialogUsageManager::processRequest:
(handle the ACK, NOTE! This is happening after the dialogset has been set to

[2588] [DialogSet. 663] [findDialog:
[2588] [DialogSet. 598] [Creating a new Dialog from msg:

[2588] [Dialog. 347] [Drop stray ACK or CANCEL
(drop the ACK because mInviteSession in the dialog is NULL)

[2588] [DialogUsageManager. 840] [Got: DestroyDialogSet
(finally received the destroy dialog message from the original BYE)

(call destroyUsage->destroy(), delete mdialogSet)
(The destructor of mDialogSet will iterate through all remaining Dialog's
and delete them, !NOTE! there is now a new Dialog in the dialogSet from the
incoming ACK! Deleting this new dialog will then cause another
mDialogSet.possiblyDie() from the Dialog destructor.  This will then cause
another DestroyUsage message posted back to the DUM fifo:

 [2588] [INFO ] [DialogUsageManager. 840] [Got: DestroyDialogSet
 [2588] [INFO ] [DialogUsageManager            . 944] [Destroying usage]
 [ 944] [FATAL] [ExceptionFilter               .  46] 

The exception is occurring in the sipstack thread (944) and from my analysis
of the crash information this is most likely caused by corrupted memory.

I am testing a quick fix by adding a flag that the dialogset has been posted
for destruction and adding the following check:

DialogUsageManager.1259 (DUM::processRequest())
if (ds == 0 || true == ds->markedForDestruction_)


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